Thursday, July 30, 2009

New Ultracapacitor May Be Coming Soon

The company EEStor's CEO is purported to have released some information that shows they are within months of developing an ultracapacitor that would affect electric cars and more.

Adrian Covert reports:

"If all of its perceived potential is delivered, the ultracapacitor could revolutionize everything from electric cars to renewable energy storage, providing a long-awaited evolutionary step beyond current rechargeable battery tech. EEStor's ultracapacitor works more or less exactly like the capacitors found in electronics today, briefly holding and releasing small charges, only on a much larger scale; it would be able rapidly take on enough juice to power a car for 250-300 miles within a matter of minutes, EEStor claims. It could also be used to store renewable energy generated by solar and wind plants more efficiently." See full article.

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